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Lorain County Township Association

Lorain County Grassroots Governments





Enacted in 1998, Ohio HB 652 designated February 1st as Ohio Township Day. The year 1999 marked the first Ohio Township Day.
The idea of Township Day was brought to the state association (OTA) by a trustee in Ashland County who felt a day should be set aside to recognize the hard work and dedication township trustees and fiscal officers, to promote grassroots government and to encourage township officials to visit schools to explain township government and duties, qualifications and requirements necessary to serve as a township official.
Townships have not only survived the test of time, they have thrived. Townships uniquely balance small community living and the preservation of farmland and Ohio's agricultural industry with infrastructure advancements and economic development. Once viewed as "temporary government", townships today are key players in Ohio's governmental system.
[excerpt from "20th Anniversary of Ohio Township Day", Ohio Township News, Jan/Feb 2018, p.16].
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